Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        UNICEF Gold Level Reacreditation

        Author: Lorna Ockwell


        Last term the school took part in our virtual UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Gold Reaccreditation.   It was an extremely successful day when we showcased all that is special about our school. We are yet again delighted and honoured to have retained our UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School Award at Gold: Rights Respecting. This is an achievement that we never take for granted but are enormously proud of.


        In their report, which is available on the school website, the external assessors identified some of the following areas of our Rights Respecting status as just a few of the strengths of the school:

        • Pupils who understand how their rights are connected to school life, to the school’s Christian values, and to their local and global community.
        • A clear strategic approach to, and enthusiasm for, embedding children’s rights in school life that has been guided by recommendations from the previous Gold report.
        • The excellent use of charters across the school which are developed with pupils and are regularly revisited to support respect for children’s rights across the school.
        • Relationships based on mutual respect and trust, where learning about rights is clearly affecting relationships in appositive way.
        • Pupil voice that is valued highly with a large range of pupil voice groups giving opportunities for all young people to put their suggestions forward and for these to be acted upon.

        The assessors explicitly highlighted the school’s ethos of safety, wellbeing and inclusion as priorities and how both pupils and staff emphasised how being part of a Rights Respecting School links to our Christian values and strengthens our commitment to advocating for the rights of children both in and outside of the school. All staff pupils interviewed on the day demonstrated an outstanding knowledge of rights and saw themselves as rights holders and the adults in school as duty bearers.


        Congratulations to the whole school community, pupils, staff and parents, who helped to showcase our deep-rooted passion for creating a culture of respect and equality, where every child feels valued and empowered. Yet again, this has helped us to shine amongst an elite group of schools across the country recognised as beacons of rights-respecting excellence.

        Check out more posts by Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy:

        Celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week

        Year 4 Explore Unchartered Territories!

        Year 4 Author Workshop with Joseph Coehlo