Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Inspire+ Inspires Year 6

        Author: hue

        On Wednesday 30th June, Year 6 were incredibly lucky as they were visited by Sarah Outen MBE. As part of Inspire+ 10th year celebrations, Sarah came to Bourne Elsea Park to deliver the Incredible Adventures book that our Year 6 children were challenged to write their very own adventure stories for, and we are absolutely delighted to announce that Harriet Rogers’ story Trees has been published in this book.

        Whilst Sarah was here, she delivered an incredibly inspiring speech about her adventures and her journey from London2London. For those of you that don’t know, in November 2015, Sarah Outen completed the London2London:Via the World Expedition: a mammoth task of rowing, cycling and kayaking 25, 000 miles around the Northern Hemisphere. The journey took Sarah and her team 4.5 years and was made all the richer for not turning out exactly as planned. The Year 6 children were absolutely captivated while hearing about this phenomenal, once in a life time adventure, and Sarah loved answering their thought-provoking questions. What an amazing and inspiring morning the Year 6 children had! I wonder how these remarkable tales will inspire their young minds.


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