Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Important Letters


        Year 5 Swimming – September 2024

        Year 5 Victorian Experience Day – 10.09.24

        Year 1 Fairy-Tale Day – 09.09.24

        Downloading your child’s Tapestry journey – July 2024

        Nyansakia Day – 12.07.24

        End of Year 6 Celebrations 2024

        Summer Reading Challenge – July 2024

        Reading Rocks Newsletter – July 2024

        Reception Pattern Day – 04.07.24

        Reception & Year 3 Cosy Reading Cafe – 15.07.24

        Bourne Elsea Park C of E Primary Academy 10 year anniversary – September 2024

        Year 1 visit to Bourne Churches – 27.06.24

        PTFA Summer Fayre – 27.06.24

        Reception Foundation Stage Report Meetings – 02.07.24

        #Turn on the subtitles – June 2024

        Year 6 Production July 2024 – Ticket release 

        PTFA Father’s Day Gift Sale – 11.06.24

        Collective Worship visit to Bourne Baptist Church – 21.06.24

        SEND Coffee Afternoon – 19.06.24

        Interested in playing a musical instrument – 2024/2025

        Read With Me! 20 is Plenty! – June 2024

        Collective Worship Visit to Bourne Baptist Church

        Term 6 Jigsaw Changing Me – Y3 – June 2024

        Term 6 Jigsaw Changing Me – Y2 – June 2024

        Term 6 Jigsaw Changing Me – Y1 – June 2024

        Term 6 Jigsaw Changing Me – RC – June 2024

        Christian Values Newsletter – Term 6 – June 2024

        Summer Term Update – May 2024

        Y3 Mini Olympics – June 2024

        Roots to Food cooking, Years 4, 5 & 6 – May 2024

        Year 4 visit to PGL Centre at Caythorpe Court – March 2025

        Year 1 ZooLab visit – 18.06.24

        Read With Me! 20 is Plenty! – May 2024

        Art Day – 24.05.24

        Read With Me! 20 is Plenty! – May 2024

        Year 6 Swimming – 2023/2024

        Year 6 Changing Me – Parent/Carer workshop. 20.05.24

        Year 5 Changing Me – Parent/Carer workshop. 13.05.24

        Year 5 visit to the National Space Centre, Leicester – 13.06.24

        Lincolnshire Stay Safe Partnership Online Safety Events – June 2024

        PTFA School Disco – 23.05.24

        Year 6 Leavers’ Hoodies

        Government Standard Attainment Tests (SATS) – May 2024

        Year 5 Cosy Reading Cafe – 02.05.24

        Year 6 Jigsaw Programme – Term 5

        Year 5 Jigsaw Programme – Term 5

        Year 4 Jigsaw Programme – Term 5

        Year 3 Jigsaw Programme – Term 5

        Year 2 Jigsaw Programme – Term 5

        Year 1 Jigsaw Programme – Term 5

        Reception Jigsaw Programme – Term 5

        Relationship, Health and Sex Education Policy Consultation Process 

        Abbey Academies Trust Relationships, Health and Sex Education parent and carer survey summary and response – March 2024

        Reception collection for the Foodbank – April 2024

        Year 3 Assembly – 09.05.24

        Reception Partake Theatre Pirate Workshop – 19.04.24

        Year 2 Multi Skills Festival – 22.04.24

        Christian Values Newsletter – April 2024

        Reading Rocks Newsletter – April 2024

        Read With Me! 20 is Plenty – March 2024

        Spring Term Update – March 2024

        Y3 & Y5 Nigel Vardy visit – 16.04.24

        Five Dinners – Free Meal Plans – March 2024

        Easter Celebrations – March 2024

        RSE follow up letter – March 2024

        Year 1 Phonics Information Session – 13.03.24

        Big Walk and Wheel – March 2024

        Red Nose Day – 15.03.24

        Dates for Diary – Terms 5 & 6

        Reading Rocks Newsletter – March 2024

        11+ Information Session – 25.03.24

        PTFA Mothering Sunday Gift Sale – 06.03.24

        RSE Consultation – Change of time – 11.03.24

        Reception Jigsaw Programme – Term 4

        Year 1 Jigsaw Programme – Term 4

        Year 2 Jigsaw Programme – Term 4

        Year 3 Jigsaw Programme – Term 4

        Year 4 Jigsaw Programme – Term 4

        Year 5 Jigsaw Programme – Term 4

        Year 6 Jigsaw Programme – Term 4

        Year 3 Visit to Great Wood Farm – 26.03.24

        PTFA Scholastic Brochure

        Christian Values Newsletter Term 4 – 20.02.24

        RSE Consultation – 11.03.24

        World Book Day – 07.03.24

        Residential Visit to Whitby – 14th – 17th October 2024

        February Read Rocks Newsletter

        PTFA School Disco – 08.02.24

        Times Table Rock Stars NSPCC Number Day Competition – 02.02.24

        Spring Parents’ Evening Appointments – February 2024

        Reception – Royal Tea Party

        11+ Testing – Potential entry into Bourne Grammar School in September 2025

        Attendance – January 2024

        Dates for Diary – Terms 3 & 4

        Notice of Parent Governor Appointment

        Year 2 Assembly – 07.02.24

        Year 4 Caythorpe Residential Information Session – 30.01.24

        Year 5 Assembly – 25.01.24

        Year 3 Bethan Woollvin Workshop – 7th February 2024

        January Reading Rocks Newsletter

        Smart Watches

        Reception Royal Dress Up Day – 05.01.24

        Parent Governor Nomination

        Parent Governor Nomination

        Parent Governor Nomination 

        Parent Governor Nomination

        Christmas Carol Service at Bourne Abbey Church – 11.12.23

        Maths Online Workshop – December 2023

        SEND Coffee Afternoon – 15.01.24

        Year 6 Explorer Academy Rainforest Workshop – 16.01.24

        Reception & Year 1 Nativity – 05.12.24

        Year 4 Swimming – January 2024

        Year 2 Partake Theatre Company Workshop – 04.01.24

        Year 6 Online Safety Workshop – 01.12.23

        Reminder of Christmas 2023 Celebration Diary Dates

        Young Voices – 08.01.24

        Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day – 08.12.23

        Online Safety Workshop – 06.12.23

        Friendship Week – 13.11.23

        Bourne Rotary Club Competitions

        BBC Children In Need – 17.11.23

        Year 4 Assembly – 22.11.23

        NumBots – November 2023

        SEND Coffee Afternoon – 20.11.23

        Year 4 visit to Peterborough Museum – 04.12.23

        Year 3 Partake Theatre Company visit – 21.11.23

        Bikeability Level 2 Cycle Training – March 2024


        Autumn Parents’ Evening Appointments – Nov 2023

        Year 5 Victorian Experience Day & visit to Gressenhall – Nov 2023

        Year 6 Visit to Gressenhall – 20.10.2023

        Dates for Diary Terms 1 & 2 – 2023/2024

        Hello Yellow Day – 10.10.2023

        Reception Superhero Day – 20.10.2023

        Reading Rocks Newsletter – October 2023

        Free School Meals – September 2023

        Virtual Spelling Workshop – September 2023

        Year 3 Home School Agreement – September 2023

        KS2 Online Safety Agreement – September 2023

        Attendance – September 2023

        Eco Schools Green Flag award – September 2023

        PTFA Disco – 12.10.2023

        Young Voices – 08.01.2024

        Autumn Term Update – September 2023

        Harvest Thanksgiving – October 2023

        PTFA Annual General Meeting – 12.10.2023

        Reception Curriculum Evening – 26.09.2023

        Cycle to School Week

        Reading Rocks Newsletter – September

        Year 2 visit to Lincoln Castle – 11.10.2023

        Reading Rocks – July 

        Reading Rocks

        Foundation Stage Report Meetings – 04.07.2023

        Senior Leadership Team Staffing Update 

        Growing and Changing Year 4

        Growing and Changing Year 6

        Hot Weather

        Language Angels at Home

        Roots to Food

        NSPCC – PANTS

        Bake for Books – Thank you!

        Year 6 Swimming – Term 6

        Year 1 Visit to Natureland and Skegness Beach – 21.06.2023

        Year 5 Visit to National Space Centre – 19.06.2023

        Reception collection for the Foodbank – May 2023

        Year 2 Visit to Hamerton Zoo Park – 20.06.2023

        E-Safety Workshop – 14.06.2023

        Coronation Celebrations – 05.05.2023

        Bake for Books! 04.05.2023

        Christian Values Newsletter – Term 5

        Reading Rocks Newsletter – April 2023

        Year 3 PSHE Learning

        Rescheduled Year 6 Production dates

        Government Standard Attainment Tests (SATs)

        Reception Pirate Island Workshop – 03.05.23

        Year 3 Assembly – 02.05.23

        Reception Pirate Day – 21.04.23

        Year 5 visit to Nene Outdoor Centre – 03.05.2023

        Collective Worship Council Newsletter – March 2023

        Year 2 Multi Skills Festival – 25.04.2023

        Language Teaching Award

        Spring Term Update – March 2023

        Lincolnshire Police – Prevent

        Attendance Letter – March 2023

        Year 3 Swimming – Term 5

        Easter Celebrations – March 2023

        Internet Safeguarding – Omegle 

        Internet Safeguarding – Omegle Parent/Carer guide

        PTFA Pre-loved uniform sale – 24.03.23

        Y5 Bikeability Level 2 Cycle Training – 20th – 23rd March 2023

        SEND Coffee Afternoon – 24.04.2023

        Big Walk and Wheel – 20th – 31st March 2023

        Young Voices 2023 – ‘PROUD’ Charity Single

        Maths At Home – March 2023

        Red Nose Day – 17.03.2023

        Year 1 Assembly – 21.03.2023

        PGL Caythorpe reminders 2023

        World Book Day – 02.03.23

        Christian Values Newsletter – Term 4

        11+ Information Session – 21.03.2023

        Y3 visit to Great Wood Farm – 21.03.2023

        Reception visit to Great Wood Farm Early Years Centre – 14.03.2023

        Spring Term Update – February 2023

        Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

        Y1 Phonics Information Session – February 2023

        Spring Parents’ Evening Appointments – February 2023

        Spring Parents’ Evening Appointments – Year 4 

        Reception Pattern Day – 10.02.2023

        Safer Internet Day 2023

        Y1 Virtual Phonics Information Session 

        11+ Testing – potential entry into Bourne Grammar School in 2024

        Y2 Assembly – 09.02.2023

        Dates for Diary Terms 3 to 6 2022/23

        Y5 Residential Visit to Whitby – October 2023

        Y5 Whitby Activity List October 2022 – example

        Ofsted Letter to Parents January 2023

        Y5 Growing & Changing Letter 2023

        Collective Worship Council Newsletter – January 2023

        LCC Health Protection Team – Letter to Parents/Carers

        Y5 Assembly January 2023

        Year 4 Roman Cooking Letter

        Autumn Term Update – December 2022

        Year 6 Explorer Academy – Rainforest Workshop 17/01/2022

        Year 4 Swimming Terms 3 & 4

        Collective Worship Council Newsletter – December 2022

        Year 2 Partake Theatre – January 2023

        UKHSA Scarlet Fever Parent/Carer Letter 07.12.22

        Year 3 Egyptian cooking

        Living Streets Walk to School challenge

        JUST Lincolnshire

        Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day 2022

        Switch Off Fortnight Campaign 2022

        Switch Off Fortnight Factsheet

        Switch Off Fortnight Competition Poster

        Year 2 & Year 6 Online Reading Workshops

        Reception Intake September 2023

        Friendship Week – Week commencing 14th November 2022

        BBC Children in Need – Friday 18th November 2022

        Christian Values Newsletter – Term 2

        Reading Pledge Survey

        Year 4 visit to Peterborough Museum – Tuesday 6th December 2022

        National Child Measurement Programme – Height and weight checks for children in Reception and Y6

        Year 4 Assembly – Tuesday 15th November 2022

        Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

        Year 5 Victorian Experience Day & visit to Gressenhall

        Bourne Elsea Park Update – October 2022

        E-Safety Workshop – Wednesday 7th December 2022

        Y3 Partake Theatre Company – November 2022

        Rearranged Christmas 2022 Diary Dates

        Zippy’s Friends Programme – Year 2

        Zippy’s Friends Programme – Year 1

        SEND Coffee and Catch up – Tuesday 8th November

        Hello Yellow Day – Friday 14th October

        KS2 Online Safety Agreement – Year 3

        Harvest Thanksgiving

        Reception Superhero Day

        Home School Agreement – Year 3

        NSPCC Speak out Stay safe Y1-6

        Year 6 visit to Stibbington Education Centre 

        Free School Meals (Pupil Premium Funding) application

        3Rs and Good Behaviour Booklet

        Year 2 Vintage car visit 

        Executive Headteacher’s Autumn Term Newsletter – September 2022

        School Census – Service Children

        NumBots – September 2022

        First Aid learning – September 2022

        Flu Immunisation Nasal Spray reminder 

        Secondary school admissions September 2023

        Hola! Spanish

        Start and end of the school day – September 2022

        Year 5 Swimming – September 2022/2023

        Collective Worship Summer Newsletter 2022

        Year 1 Fairy-tale Day – September 2022

        Platinum Jubilee commemorative book July 2022

        Year Reception – Downloading your child’s Tapestry Journal 2022

        Year Reception – Tapestry Instructions July 2022

        End of Year 6 Celebrations

        Nyansakia Day – Friday 15th July 2022

        Interested in playing an instrument in KS2? June 2022

        Y6 Production July 2022 – Ticket Release

        11+ Information Session – June 2022

        Y2 Visit to Rutland Zoo – July 2022

        Reception visit to Great Wood Farm Early Years Centre – July 2022

        Y6 Production date change 2022

        Foundation stage report meetings – July 2022

        Y4 Growing and Changing – June 2022

        Y6 Growing and Changing – June 2022

        Roots to Food – June 2022

        Life Education Centre Visit – June 2022

        Year 3 PSHE Learning 2022

        Mini Commonwealth Games – June 2022

        Summer Term Update 2022

        Internet Safeguarding – Omegle

        Internet Safeguarding – Factsheet

        Analysis of parent/carer questionnaire 2021/2022

        Residential visit to PGL Caythorpe – March 2023

        Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022

        NSPCC – PANTS letter 2022

        Year 1 Visit to Natureland and Skegness Beach – June 2022

        Year 5 visit to The National Space Centre – June 2022

        Y2 Growing and Changing 2022

        Staffing update May 2022

        Y2 Assembly Letter 2022

        Easter Celebration 2022

        Big Walk and Wheel – March 2022

        Y5 Stibbington Visit – April 2022

        E-Safety Workshop with Dan Hawbrook – March 2022

        Red Nose Day March 2022

        COVID-19 Letter from Mrs Moore – 24th February 2022

        1-Minute Maths App

        World Book Day March 2022

        Update_05 – 7th February 2022

        Reception Pattern Day

        Spring Parents’ Evening March 2022

        Y1 Phonics Letter – 27th January 2022

        Safer Internet Day / One Day Creative Workshops Letter – 19th January 2022

        Safer Internet Day – Conversation Starters – 19th January 2022

        Safer Internet Day – Resources for Parents and Carers – 19th January 2022

        Y5 & 6 Online Safety Letter – 13th January 2022

        Online Safety Guide – 13th January 2022

        Y5 Assembly – Postponed

        Y2 Phonics Letter – 10th January 2022

        Y5 Assembly 2022

        Update 04 – 15th December 2021 

        COVID-19 Update Letter from Mrs Moore – 14th December 2021

        COVID-19 Update Letter from Mrs Moore – 29th November 2021

        Update_03 – 25th November 2021

        Y2 & Y6 Online Reading Workshops – Reminder

        Y2 & Y6 Reading Workshops November 2021

        UNICEF – Gold!  November 2021

        Switch Off Fortnight – 08.11.21 – 19.11.21

        Save Energy at home – Switch Off Fortnight

        Switch Off Fortnight Competition Flyer

        Y4 Visit to Peterborough Museum

        Seesaw Homework – Nov 2021

        PTFA AmazonSmile Letter

        E-Safety Workshop

        Autumn Parents’ Evening 2021

        Feedback Policy – 18th October 2021

        Media & Internet Safeguarding – Squid Game_14.10.21


        Mathematics – Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) – 1st October 2021

        Harvest 2021

        Reception Superhero Day 2021

        Hello Yellow 2021

        COVID-19 Update Letter – 28.09.21

        Seesaw Letter – September 2021

        Y6 Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre Visit

        Bike to School Week 2021

        Active Spelling

        Y5 Victorian Experience Day 2021

        Y4 PGL Caythorpe 2022

        E-Safety Newsletter Summer 2021

        Letter from Mrs Moore – 15th July 2021

        FAQs re September 2021 – 15th July 2021

        Update_09 – 8th July 2021

        Y2 Growing and Changing – 6th July 2021

        Africa Day – 9th July 2021

        Year 6 – End of Year Celebrations 2021 

        Year 6 Leaver’s Service – 29th June 2021

        Environmental Champions Nomination Letter

        Letter to Parents/Carers from Mrs Moore – 22nd June 2021

        Volunteers in School – June 2021

        Y6 Growing & Changing – June 2021

        Date Change – Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

        Term Dates 2021-2023

        Y5 Growing & Changing – June 2021

        NSPCC Speak Out. Stay Safe. – June 2021

        NSPCC Underwear Rule Letter – June 2021

        Update_08 – 8th June 2021

        Term 6 KS2 Collection Letter

        Extra-Curricular Clubs – Term 6

        E-Safety Letter from Mrs Moore – 05.05.2021

        Snapchat Privacy and Blocking

        Snapchat Guide

        What is Snapchat

        Roblox Guide 2021

        Big Pedal 2021

        Summer Term Update – 25.03.2021

        Update_07 – 18.03.2021

        Easter Celebrations 2021

        Parking – 10.03.21

        Y6 Residential 2021

        Y5 Residential 2021

        Reception Virtual Farm Visit – March 2021

        Sandown Drive Update – 09.03.21

        Sandown Drive Update – 08.03.21

        Waste Week – w/c 8th March

        Waste Week – Food Waste Top Tips

        Red Nose Day 2021

        Update – 4th March 2021

        Letter to Children from Mrs Moore – 26.02.21

        Device Return – 25.02.21

        Sandown Drive – 25.02.21

        Kids’ Club Letter – 25.02.21

        FAQs Re-Opening – 8th March

        Letter Re-Opening – 8th March

        Letter from Mrs Moore – March Re-opening

        World Book Day Token

        World Book Day 2021

        Reception Pattern Day 2021

        Spring 2021 Parent Consultations


        Mrs Moore Update 05.02.21

        Safer Internet Day Letter

        MS Teams Celebration Letter

        Digital Safety Letter_01.02.21

        Childrens_Digital Safety Wellbeing Kit_01.02.21

        Parents_Digitial Safety Wellbeing Kit_01.02.21

        Year 2 Phonics Letter

        Letter to Children from Mrs Moore – 29.01.21

        FSM Letter 27.01.21

        Mrs Moore Update 26.01.21


        Wellbeing Letter 19.01.21

        Mrs Moore Update 14.01.21

        School Meals for keyworker children 11.01.21

        Mrs Moore Update 11.01.21

        MrsMoore LettertoChildren 06.01.21

        Mrs Moore Update 06.01.21

        Arrangements for key worker children final 05.01.2021

        UpdateLetter from Mrs-Moore_05.01.21


        FSM Grocery Packs December 2020

        E-Safety Christmas Newsletter December 2020

        Update_05 – 15th December 2020

        Mrs Moore’s Christmas 2020 Letter

        Breakfast & Kids Club January 2021

        Green Flag Award

        Christmas Holidays – Letter from Mrs Moore 10th December 2020

        FSM_COVID Winter Grant Scheme

        Update 26th November 2020

        Y2 & Y6 Reading Workshops

        Minister Ford Open Letter to SEND Families

        Switch Off Fortnight 16.11.20 – 27.11.20

        Save Energy at Home Factsheet

        Letter from Mrs Moore 11th November 2020

        Friendship Week 2020

        Children in Need 2020

        Update – 4th November 2020

        Letter from Mrs Moore – 2nd November 2020

        October Half-Term – Letter from Mrs Moore

        Year 6 Growing & Changing

        Winter PE Kit

        Update_02 20th October 2020

        Cool Milk

        Reception Superhero Day 22nd October 2020

        EYFS Virtual Open Morning

        Update_01 8th October 2020

        Modeshift Stars Bronze Accreditation

        Letter to Parents Year 4 Caythorpe

        Healthy Minds Virtual Workshops

        Year 4 & 6 Class Assemblies 01.10.20

        NHS Guide for Parents/Carers

        Harvest – 29.09.20

        Seesaw Letter 22.09.20

        Victorian Day 21.09.20

        Letter from Mrs Moore 10.09.20

        Letter to Parents 03.09.20


        Mrs Moore Letter to Year 6 17.07.2020

        Parent and Carer Transition Information Autumn Term 2020