Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.


        Bourne Elsea Park’s school policies aim to provide staff, pupils, parents and carers with clear information about the organisation and ethos of our Academy and the standards of behaviour expected by all members of its community.  These policies enable us to work together in a Christian and caring environment. The Academy policy documents are available to view using the links below.

        Name Link
        Able and Talented Policy September 2023 Download
        Accessibility Plan 2021 – 2024 September 2023 Download
        Admissions Policy 2023-24 Download
        Admissions Policy 2024-25 Download
        Admissions Policy 2025-26 Download
        Anti-Extremism Radicalisation Policy April 2024 Download
        Assessment Policy September 2023 Download
        Asthma Policy September 2023 Download
        Attendance Policy April 2024 Download
        Behaviour & Bullying Policy September 2023 Download
        Behaviour Rewards & Sanctions September 2023 Download
        British Values Overview September 2023 Download
        British Values Policy September 2023 Download
        Character Education Statement September 2023 Download
        Charging & Remissions Policy September 2023 Download
        Child on Child Abuse Policy September 2023 Download
        Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy April 2024 Download
        Children Leaving School Site Without Permission Policy September 2023 Download
        Collective Worship Policy September 2023 Download
        Complaints Policy September 2023 Download
        Confidentiality Policy September 2023 Download
        Data Protection – Privacy Notice for Pupils September 2023 Download
        Data Protection Policy September 2023 Download
        Display Policy September 2023 Download
        E-Safety Overview 2022 – 2023 Download
        E-Safety Policy September 2023 Download
        EAL Policy September 2023 Download
        Educational Visits Policy April 2024 Download
        Equality – Single Equality Scheme AAT 2021 – 2024 (Reviewed August 2023) Download
        Equality Objectives September 2023 Download
        Equality Policy September 2023 Download
        EYFS Curriculum Statement September 2023 Download
        Feedback Policy September 2023 Download
        First Aid Policy September 2023 Download
        Food in School Policy September 2023 Download
        Freedom of Information Download
        Handwriting Policy September 2023 Download
        Health & Safety Policy April 2024 Download
        Health & Wellbeing Policy September 2022 Download
        Home School Agreement April 2024 Download
        Homework Policy September 2023 Download
        ICT Safeguarding within Academy Trust Community September 2023 Download
        Intimate Care Policy September 2023 Download
        Kids’ Club Policy April 2024 Download
        Lettings Policy September 2023 Download
        Maths Calculation Policy September 2023 Download
        Medicines in School Policy September 2023 Download
        Monitoring & Evaluation Policy September 2023 Download
        Parental Use of Social Networking & Internet Sites Policy May 2024 Download
        Physical Intervention Policy September 2023 Download
        Presentation Policy September 2023 Download
        Prevent Duty Risk Assessment 2022 – 2023 Reviewed July 2023 Download
        Prevent Duty Risk Assessment 2023 – 2024 September 2023 Download
        RE Policy September 2023 Download
        RSHE Policy April 2024 Download
        Safer Recruitment Policy September 2023 Download
        SEN Information Report September 2022 Download
        SEND & Inclusion Policy September 2023 Download
        Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Development Policy September 2023 Download
        Staff Well-being Policy September 2023 Download
        Supporting Children with Medical Conditions in School Policy September 2022 Download
        Suspension & Exclusion Policy September 2023 Download
        Teaching Learning & Curriculum Policy September 2023 Download
        Violence Policy September 2023 Download
        Volunteers in School Policy September 2023 Download
        Whistleblowing Policy April 2024 Download