Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        British Values Day

        Author: hue

        On 19th September 2019, the children of Bourne Elsea Park Church of England Primary Academy were gripped by Democracy fever more than ever before as they took part in their British Values Day.  The buzz of excitement made its way around school leading up to voting time as the children understand that Democracy is one of our five key British Values and knowing that as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School and they believe in Article 12, ‘Every child has the right to say what they think should happen and have their views listened to’. Through the day each class enthusiastically made their way to their school’s polling station, exchanged their polling cards for ballot papers and cast their votes for their new Student Council representatives, Eco Warriors and Mini Police Cadets.

        The new candidates had already impressed their fellow pupils with their campaign speeches and posters to explain why they should be chosen to represent their classes.  This year a dazzling 17 Mini Police candidates from Year 5 had also successfully presented their speeches and were now waiting with baited breath for the ballot papers to be counted.

        On Monday 23rd September, after a nerve-wracking weekend, the wait was over as the children attended the BIG RESULTS assembly!  PCSO Parrott had been invited to present badges, lanyards and certificates to the worthy winners in front of a huge audience of invited parents and excited children.  The hall was respectfully silent and the atmosphere was electric as the results were announced before a huge round of applause was given during the presentations. Winners, also including new House and Vice Captains, along with the new Collective Worship Council  then had their pictures taken, with the police cadets in their fabulous new caps and congratulations were given all around.

        What an amazing start to the new year, setting up our Pupil Voice superbly and celebrating the diversity, creativity and courage of many new representatives and initiatives in the school.  Well done to all of the candidates who bravely put themselves forward, believing that they can make the school the best it can be and good luck to those successful in their campaign as they take on their new roles with pride.


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