Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Reading and Phonics

        Year 1 Phonics Workshop

        Year 6 Reading Workshop

        Year 6 Workshop Resources and Activities Link:

        Year 6 Virtual Reading Workshop Resources

        Year 2 Reading Workshop

        Year 1 Phonics Workshop 2022/23


        Year 2 Workshop Resources and Activities Link:

        Y2 Virtual Reading Workshop


        We aim to nurture a lifelong love of reading within our children.

        Reading for pleasure There is overwhelming evidence that literacy skills have a significant impact on people’s life chances. Reading ability is more important than either wealth or social class as an indicator of success at school. We, as adults, are the most important reading role models for children and young people, yet according to the Reading Agency, only 1 in 5 parents find the opportunity to regularly read to their children.

        What does reading do for our children?

        1. Children who read often and widely get better at it After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything humans do, and reading in no different.

        2. Reading exercises our brain For example, reading is a much more complex task for the human brain than watching TV. Reading strengthens brains connections and builds NEW connections.

        3. Reading improves concentration Children have to sit still and quietly so that they can focus on the story when they are reading. If they read often, they will develop the skill to do this for longer.

        4. Reading teaches children about the world around them Through reading a variety of books, children learn about people, places and events outside of their own experience.

        5. Reading improves vocabulary and language skills Children learn new words as they read. Subconsciously, they absorb information on how to structure sentences and how to use words and other language features effectively in their writing and speaking.

        6. Reading develops a child’s imagination As we read, our brains translate the descriptions we read of people, places and things into pictures. While we are engaged in a story, we are also imagining how a character is feeling. Young children then bring this knowledge into their everyday play.

        7. Reading helps children to develop empathy As children develop, they begin to imagine how they would feel in different situations.

        8. Reading is fun A book or an e-reader doesn’t take up much space and is light to carry, so you take it anywhere…you can never be bored if you have a book in your bag!

        9. Reading is a great way to spend time together Reading together on the sofa, sharing bedtime stories and visiting the library are just some wonderful ways of spending time together.

        10. Children who read achieve better in school Reading promotes achievement in all subjects, not just English. Children who are good readers tend to achieve better across the curriculum.

        Talking about books Once children have learned to read, comprehension of the text becomes an important skill to practise. Asking your child questions about what they have read is a great way to do this. A few questions you could ask are:

        • What has already happened?
        • What might have next? Why do you think that?
        • How would you feel if you were that character? Why would you feel that way?
        • Have you read any other books where something similar has happened? Have you read any other books by this author? What do you like about these books?

        Fiction vs non-fiction Many children have a preference for either stories or fact books, but it is important to get a mix. Fiction helps children have empathy with other people and understand characters and how they relate to each other, while non-fiction gives children the ability to understand facts and more complex ideas.

        A book at bedtime Reading a story to your child at bedtime is a great way to end the day and a lovely way of enjoying reading for pleasure. Reading to your child gives them access to stories and vocabulary that they might not be able to read so fluently themselves and is great for reluctant readers too. A story at the end of the day is also part of a good night time routine that can help your child settle and wake up refreshed ready for the next day.

        After all…

        “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

                                                                – Dr Seus

        We believe children achieving fluency in English is essential if they are to both access and succeed across all areas of the curriculum. Confidence and competence in reading, writing and spoken language play vital roles in preparing children for the next stage of their learning, and indeed throughout their adult lives. Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature especially plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. We endeavour to ensure children reach their full potential in these areas by providing an inspiring, relevant and rigorous English curriculum which promotes high standards of language and literacy, equips pupils with a strong command of spoken and written word, and develops a life-long love of literature through reading and writing for enjoyment.

        We aim for our pupils to:

        • Develop a love of reading for pleasure and to enjoy discussing and justifying their reading preferences
        • Be able to select appropriate text types and extract relevant information when reading for learning

        Reading starts within our EYFS provision through our Phonics scheme: Read Write Inc teaching synthetic phonics. This is a well-established and embedded phonics programme that we have been using for many years to provide all of our pupils with a successful start on their reading journey.  This gives our children a great foundation to reading, which is then taken into Year 1 and carried into Year 2 if needed. Alongside and after the Read Write Inc scheme, we use a blended approach to reading using high quality books from a range of schemes including Read Write Inc.

        What does the rest of our reading provision look like?

        • Every child reads to their class teacher (KS1/LKS2 once and UKS2 once a fortnight) allowing teachers to monitor their progress and identify next steps. Vulnerable readers are highlighted and intervention is put in place.
        • The process of intervention is ‘keep up not catch up’.
        • Daily whole class reading sessions provide opportunities to expose children to a range of high quality text e.g archaic texts, texts with complex plots etc. In these sessions, teachers use discussions and questioning to develop children’s comprehension skills and love of reading for pleasure.
        • Reading is seen as an essential element of each English unit of study. All staff understand the importance of the explicit teaching of reading skills and four core reading behaviours- fluency, stamina, self-regulation, active reading.
        • Reading is prioritised across the wider curriculum and opportunities for children to apply their reading skills are planned for and utilised across a wide range of subjects.
        • The schools participate in national events designed to develop a love of reading, such as World Book Day, National Poetry Day and Roald Dahl Day
        • The Pawsome Gang is embedded throughout all year groups and key stages ensuring children understand different question types and the strategies needed to tackle each question
        • The children are able to select home reading books from our selection of banded books which are matched to their reading ability. Classroom reading corners offer a wide selection of ‘real books’ for children to enjoy and share with their friends.
        • Throughout the school year, the importance of reading is enhanced in a variety of ways, including; World Book Day, author visits, poet visits, illustrator visits, Book Fairs and varied reading rewards for the amount of reads completed at home. Children also have access to our wonderful school library, which is open every lunchtime for children in Key Stage Two.
        • We work hard to encourage parents and carers to regularly read with their child(ren). Opportunities for explaining the importance of this time (even with those children in KS2) include: parent workshops, story sacks, parents’ evening, question prompts and other age-related reading resources.


        Language Acquisition & Vocabulary Development

        We endeavour to ensure we provide our pupils with a ‘language rich’ environment. Within our classrooms, we explore ambitious vocabulary across the wider curriculum to ensure we acquire an understanding of a breadth and depth of language with our knowledge organisers, termly vocabulary grids and working walls.

        We aim to share our vision of high aspirations for all of our pupils through our high expectations across the wider curriculum; by setting these high expectations, our pupils are aware of the standards we expect in all lessons and learning opportunities.



        Phonics at Bourne Elsea Park – Read Write Inc.

        Much of our curriculum structure has been created using the following government documents:

        • Development Matters in the EYFS (2021)
        • Statutory framework for the EYFS (DFE, 2021)

        It has also been supplemented and supported by other educational resources and research, including:

        • Read, Write, Inc.
        • EYFS Literacy Summit 2019
        • Improving Literacy in Key Stage 1: Guidance Report (EEF, 2017)
        • Active English – basic principles
        • Active Spelling – basic principles


        Why do we teach phonics in this order?

        As a school, we teach phonics using Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) resources which refers to phonics in sets of 1, 2 and 3.

        Phonics by Year Group:

        For more information on how we teach phonics by year group, please read the attached documents:

        EYFS Phonics Early Reading & Writing

        Year 1 Phonics

        Year 2 Phonics