Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        WOW Wednesdays!

        Author: hue

        WOW Wednesday Launch Assembly

        On Tuesday 25th February, Sarah Hubrey, Sustainable Travel Officer from Lincolnshire County Council led a whole school assembly on sustainable travel to launch our WOW Wednesdays. Sarah discussed sustainable and active travel and shared the benefits including how it reduces congestions, its fun, its healthy, good for the environment, reduces pollution, keeps you fit and strong and finally you can see more of what’s around you.

        Although our school is already great at promoting active travel through reinforcing road safety, encouraging parents to park safely and having a cycle/scooter storage we are always looking for new ways to improve our sustainable travel. Sarah explained how we will be taking part in Wow Wednesdays in March. We are running a walking campaign with Living Steets – the national walking charity. We are asking children to walk, scoot, skate, cycle or park and stride at Tescos on Wednesdays in March. Miss Worrall and Mrs Simpson will be joining any parents and children who park and stride at Tesco on Wednesday and walk with them to school. If the children walk, scoot, skate or cycle every Wednesday they can collect a Living Streets Badge.

        We would love to see as many children and parents join in on WOW Wednesdays as possible.

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