Each term our children are provided with a ‘palette of choice’ for their homework. This consists of a series of tasks, closely matched to their engaging topics that involve a broad range of skills and link to their learning for the term.
Children are then able to choose any number of the tasks to complete throughout the term as homework. This is then brought into school to share with their class in the last week. The children showcase their learning so that others can celebrate their hard work and teachers can provide children with meaningful feedback.
This term the children in Year 4 have completed a range of Veni, Vidi, Vici based challenges. Here are some examples of the Take Care homework Miss Ockwell was thrilled to receive.
As part of their We’ll Meet Again topic, year 6 have been creating some excellent pieces of take care homework. There have been interviews with family members about the war, write ups about Wintson Churchill and some fantastic models of Anderson shelters and gas mask boxes.
Year 3s fantastical fairy tale topic has inspired some tremendous creations! Castles, gingerbread men, gingerbread piggies, three bears cupcakes… you name it… they’ve made it!
Year 6 have been busy with their World War II homework.
Check out these outstanding Year 5 creations showing the journey and development of rivers.