Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Oh The Places This Car Has Been!

        Author: hue

        Year 2 zoomed into their new topic ‘Oh the Places you’ll go’ at top speed last week when they were lucky enough to be visited by Mr Moody and one of his vintage cars. The look of delight on the children’s faces as they saw this magnificent mode of transport was just wonderful to see. The car was over 90 years old and both children and adults were fascinated to see first-hand the changes that have happened to this very familiar mode of transport. The children made some brilliant observations and comparisons between the cars as well as asking lots of questions about them. Some of the differences we spotted were the spare wheels, lack of seatbelts and a strange thermometer at the front of the car. Once we had explored the car and of course listened to the horn, we returned to our classroom to study the photos we had taken and make some detailed sketches in our art books. We will also be writing about all the amazing facts we have uncovered and have a go at creating our own timeline of travel through the ages.

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