Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        We did it!

        Author: hue

        We are excited to announce we have achieved our Modeshift Bronze Stars Accreditation.

        Modeshift Stars is the National Schools’ Awards Scheme which was established to recognise schools which have demonstrated excellence in promoting and supporting sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools to increase levels of sustainable travel in order to improve the health and well-being of their pupils.

        The Eco Warriors alongside Miss Worrall and Mrs Simson decided last year, as part of our Eco Schools Green Flag renewal process, to choose ‘Transport’ as one of our new topics. This linked well with Modeshift and gaining our award.

        It all began with a pupil and staff survey to gain a baseline of how everyone travelled to and from school. The Eco Warriors worked hard throughout the year to deliver 10 sustainable travel initiatives, 5 supporting initiatives and 2 consultation initiatives.

        Some of the initiatives included taking part in Living Streets Walk on Wednesdays Campaign, children in Year 5 completing bikeability training, Mini Police setting up a bike marking event and monitoring traffic with speed guns.

        Miss Worrall states ‘We are all so proud of the hard work completed by our pupils, parents and carers and staff in order to achieve our bronze award. We have noticed an increase in the amount of sustainable and active travel completed by children and staff and are looking forward to seeing this continue. This year we are aiming to continue our hard work and achieve our Silver accreditation. Thank you so much to all our children and parents and carers for their hard work and effort in helping our environment by walking to school.’

        Check out more posts by Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy:

        Wake Up Wednesday

        Having Fun and Raising Money for Nyansakia Day

        Open The Book – Adam and Eve