Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        The Tadpoles are in Town!

        Author: hue

        At Bourne Elsea Park, we celebrate different Christian Values each term. One of our Christian Values is Reverence. This is where we show deep respect for someone or something, and we often use this term when talking about God’s creations. As part of our R.E learning about Creation and Fall, we spent time considering some of God’s most remarkable creations and we listed tadpoles and frogs as one of these.

        Then, as luck would have it, Miss Ockwell discovered a batch of newly hatched tadpoles lurking in the river at the bottom of her mummy’s garden. She couldn’t believe her luck as she knew this was a fantastic opportunity not to be missed. Over the half term holiday, we spent time researching how to care for tadpoles, while Miss Ockwell concocted a plan for safely catching and transporting these little wonders to their new home.

        And now… here we are! Eight adorable tadpoles, safe and sound in their new home. Now all we have to do is watch with awe and wonder as they embark upon a truly magnificent journey of transformation.


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