Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Y5’s learning has gone ‘To Infinity and Beyond’!

        Author: hue

        After learning so much in school about our the planets in our Solar System, how day and night works, the movement of the sun and moon, pupils in Y5 took to their craft boxes at home to create some incredibly special ‘Take Care’ homework projects on Space.  With everything from balloon planets that could be popped to discover a fact inside, fabulous diorama’s covered with twinkling stars and facts around the outside, umbrella’s as the night sky with spinning Solar Systems, fact filled PowerPoints and beautifully crafted board displays, they have really pulled the stops and wowed their teachers!  Their enthusiasm for the topic has brimmed over through their stunning and imaginative creations whilst showing a really deep understanding of the scientific facts that they have learned and researched.  You are all shining stars Y5, well done!

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