Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Year 6 Mark Fairtrade Fortnight With Chocolaty Treats!

        Author: Lorna Ockwell

        As part of Fairtrade Fortnight (21st February to 4th March), Year 6 were very lucky to receive a donation from the Bourne Elsea Park CoOp store.

        As part of their South America Rainforest topic, the children have been learning all about deforestation and the impact of this on the environment and wider-world. They took part in a lesson focussing on Fairtrade and ‘Forest Friendly Farming’, where they found out about the importance of Fairtrade and how farming can be done sustainably, protecting the rainforests around the world.

        The children were excited to receive Fairtrade bananas and chocolate which they mixed with Corn Flakes to create chocolatey banana treats. They were very thankful to the CoOp for donating these ingredients to our school. It was a fantastic experience for the children and they were able to learn about the importance of Fairtrade in a fun, engaging way. This linked brilliantly with their rainforest topic and Eco Schools work. It was a fantastic end to their first week back at school.

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