Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Earth Day – Invest In Our Planet

        Author: Lorna Ockwell

        5 Earth Day Events Around the World – USI Affinity

        On the 22nd April we celebrated Earth Day and focussed on this year’s theme ‘Invest In Our Planet’. On this day, awareness of how we can look after our planet is raised. Across the school activities were completed to celebrate and raise awareness of how they can make changes to their lifestyle.

        In Reception children used Google Earth to marvel at how the world looks from space and zoomed in to locate Bourne. The children decided they wanted to become Agents of Change and complete a litter pick in the school grounds.

        In Key Stage 1, they wrote a pledge of 5 things they can do to invest and take care of our planet. They played with different animals and thought about their habitat and the impact we are having on it. Finally, they sorted rubbish into recyclable and non-recyclable.

        Across Key Stage 2, some children wrote poems about our wonderful world. Other children looked at how important it is to ‘Invest in our Rainforests’ learning about the different reasons why deforestation is bad for the environment. They made a promise or pledge on a leaf of what they would do to help look after the rainforest. Other classes made posters about the issues around deforestation.

        Earth Day showed the children how they could be Agents of Change and make a difference to help save our planet. We hope it inspired lots of children to start making small changes each day and realise they are never too small to make a difference.

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