Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        A Morning of Mischief and Mayhem!

        Author: Lorna Ockwell

        This morning we all took part in a very important writing challenge. You see, when the adults arrived at school this morning, they soon realised someone had been up to all sorts of mischief and mayhem! The hall looked like an earthquake had happened, and classrooms had been left in disarray! We had to get our thinking hats on to decide who we thought was responsible for causing such havoc. We then wrote descriptions of the villains we suspected and our teachers are now frantically getting these copied and bundled up to send to MI5, the police and the SAS; so they can capture them and ensure this carnage never happens again!


        Keep your eyes peeled team! You never know where these villains could be lurking!


        Check out more posts by Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy:

        Celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week

        Year 4 Explore Unchartered Territories!

        Year 4 Author Workshop with Joseph Coehlo