It is not only important at Bourne Elsea Park to ensure our children flourish, but it is also our vision and duty to ensure our very own staff become the best they can be. With than in mind, with the help of Lisa Richardson from Inspire+, Mrs Greenwood and 3G have been involved in a Team Teach programme this term. This wonderful opportunity has allowed Mrs Greenwood support in advancing her teaching skills within PE curriculum as we support her through her ECT training programme. Children have been enjoying a programme of dance, with the central focus of ‘A trip to…’, they have gone to space and the seaside but, more wonderfully and linked to the Year 3 topic ‘Two Sides to Every Story’, the children have been able to create dances about their villainous creatures written about in their wonderful character descriptions, as they take ‘A Trip to… The woods’.
A wonderful opportunity and WOW moment for all. With thanks to Lisa and the Inspire+ team.