On Wednesday 15th June Year 6 had a visit from Delphine Norton (Max Respect Officer). She delivered a workshop to help the children think about and prepare for their journeys to and from their new secondary school in September.
The workshop discussed things they would need to remember when travelling on the bus including their bus pass, wearing a seat belt but most importantly waiting for the bus to go before crossing the road. Delphine also asked the children to think about ways they can show respect and be polite on their journey to and from school. They focussed on being polite to the bus driver and remembering the golden rule treat others the same way you would want to be treated.
Next, they focussed on what to remember when walking to school or to the bus stop including rules for strangers, rules for crossing the road, distractions from mobile phones and staying safe. Finally, Delphine shared who they can go to if they have any problems or need any help when travelling on the bus.
The workshop was a fantastic opportunity to help our Year 6 school with their transition to secondary school in the next few months. The children found the workshop informative and helpful in preparing them for their new journeys and now know who to turn to if they have any problems but most importantly they have learnt how to stay safe.