Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Mr. Giddings Inspires Year 3 Gardens

        Author: Lorna Ockwell

        Mr Giddings came into Year 3 this week to share his expertise in gardening and landscaping as the children are designing their own gardens for people with challenging lives in their Jigsaw lessons.  His fantastic knowledge of plants, flowers and landscaping inspired the children to think about using sensory materials, plants and flowers with wonderful scents, water features that can be touched and heard and pathways and planters for easy access for people with disabilities or wheelchair uses.  The children had a fantastic time touching and smelling plants such as lavender and rosemary whilst learning from first hand experience about the exciting world of garden design!  They are certainly bursting with ideas now and we cannot wait to see their final designs!

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