Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Remembering the Courage of St. George

        Author: Lorna Ockwell

        In Collective Worship today, we reflected upon the cultural and religious significance of St George’s Day, which was celebrated on Sunday 23rd April. We learnt about the life of St George and how he is reflected in the traditions of our country, for example by exploring the significance of his cross and how it is an integral part of the British flag.

        We also read the legend of St George and the Dragon and looked at the symbolism found within the story. For example, how the dragon represents evil (bad things that happen) and how brave and courageous St George was for standing up to it.

        We compared the legend to the facts we learnt about St George:

        • He was a Roman soldier
        • He was a Christian
        • He was known for his bravery
        • He protested against Rome’s persecution of Christians
        • He was imprisoned and tortured but stayed true to his faith
        • King Edward III made him the Patron Saint of England in 1350


        We were also interested to find out that St George is the Patron Saint of Scouting. We have many children who are part of the Scouts and Girl Guiding Associations and we thought about how St George faced every challenge boldly and confidently to ensure he succeeded. We were inspired by St George’s courage, resilience and determination and reflected on how we can show these Christian Values and character traits in our own lives.


        Well done, children! You were very reflective British Citizens and know what characteristics you require in order to be successful.

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