Bourne Elsea Park Church Of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        The PSHE Curriculum at Bourne Elsea Park


        At our school, we adopt a mindful approach to Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education through the Jigsaw programme. Jigsaw integrates Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills, and spiritual development into a comprehensive scheme of learning. Each week, students engage in a Jigsaw lesson that includes tailored resources, allowing teachers to focus on the specific needs of their class and build strong, supportive relationships with their students as unique individuals.

        Jigsaw’s approach is designed as a whole-school initiative, with all year groups exploring the same theme or “Puzzle” simultaneously. This cohesive approach begins with an introductory assembly, fostering a unified focus for both adults and children. Our school vision is deeply embedded in this programme, emphasising the development of each child’s potential and valuing their individuality.

        Beyond the classroom, students have numerous opportunities to develop their character and leadership skills through roles such as Student Council members, Pupil Subject Ambassadors, Equality Ambassadors, Play Leaders, and Peer Mediators. Our curriculum also incorporates Character Education, focusing on six essential character traits and Christian Values, which align with our commitment to nurturing each child’s personal and spiritual growth.

        As a Gold Accredited Unicef Rights Respecting School, we are dedicated to upholding and promoting children’s rights within our learning environment, further enhancing our holistic approach to education. Through Jigsaw and these additional initiatives, we ensure a comprehensive approach to PSHE that reflects our vision of academic excellence and the flourishing of all.

        PSHE Curriculum Statement

        PSHE Long Term Plan

        Jigsaw- information for parents

        Jigsaw- RSHE information for parents

        Spirituality in PSHE

        Protected Characteristics mapping

        SMSC curriculum mapping

        Character Education rolling traits