We’re thrilled to announce an exciting development in our ongoing efforts to support your child’s maths learning at home. Members of our Maths Team across Abbey Academies Trust have come together to create a fantastic online math video, designed to showcase the key features available on our website and those we partner with to enhance math learning at home.
To access this valuable resource, please visit the following You Tube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSjmpL7ALkQ
An example of the resources available, which will be discussed further in the workshop, is the ‘Maths with Michael’ suite of videos. The videos are available on the White Rose Maths website; https://whiterosemaths.com/maths-with-michael#watch We encourage you to explore these videos with your children as they will reinforce what they are learning in school and give you an opportunity to discuss maths concepts together. Additionally, the website provides extra workbook resources that you can download to further reinforce your children’s understanding. You can find them on this link; https://whiterosemaths.com/parent-resources#download